Ingest API
In this project for our client the ProSiebneSat.1 Media SE we have developed an Ingest API. Description: Ingest API is a REST API for B2B customers which enables customers to control Media Delivery by sending requests and receiving notifications.
amb software positions:
QA, Scrum Master, Software Architect, Senior Backend Developers
- Amazon Web Services (AWS): CloudFormation Template, API Gateway, Lambda, SQS, SNS, CloudWatch.
- Authorization and Authentication with Keycloak Authentication Server, IAM Policies and Custom Authorizers.
- Services implemented with AWS Lambda platform.
- Event Delivery with AWS SQS.
- Infrastructure as Code (CloudFormation Template).
- Jenkins CI with Postman/Newman REST API tests suite.
- Scrum Framework.
Technologies & tools
Technologies & Tools:
Amazon Web Services, python, REST API, Git, Jira, Jenkins CI, Postman/Newman, boto3, troposphere, Keycloak.