Mobile Store
amb software has developed a mobile and web shop for one of Europe’s largest mobile operators. As part of the store games, apps, ringtones, videos, logos, animations, wallpapers / desktops, SMS services and e-books have been developed and implemented. This shop has been programmed in Java using a Magnolia CMS.
amb software positions:
Frontend & Backend Developers
- The project is based on a complex media platform with div. Components (Payment, Wallet, subscription, etc.).
- Development and Maintenance of Web & Mobile Portals.
- AMB was responsible for the design work and implementation of the platform, also AMB designed a dedicated JAVA applet for simultaneous downloads.
- http://mobilefun.o2online.de/start.do.
Technologies & tools
Technical Environment:
J2EE, Hibernate, Magnolia, My SQL, osCache, XML, REST API, MVC, Spring, Web Services, Jira, Modules, Wurfl, Hudson/Jenkins, Wiki, JavaScript, JQuery, Prototype, SOAP, Selenium, Scrum.